I want to help you...

Hey Reader,

Since becoming a mom I’ve noticed some things in the world of naturally caffeinated people that kinda feel like a gut punch.

Because in the summer everyone is still trying to check all the things off their list and keep everyone else in the family on schedule while doing so even when routines seem to be non-existent, no one has a ton of time to sit down and really figure out if that masculine way of doing things actually works as well we think it might.

So if you feel like…

🤸‍♀️Your brain is swimming in a giant pool of chaos and there’s no lifeguard on duty (too many things and not enough focus)

🤸‍♀️You want to enjoy the playfulness of summer, but also still be motivated to get shit done (want to play & connect, yet also feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day)

🤸‍♀️You’re putting your own self care on the back-burner during this hectic time (not enough whitespace on your calendar)

…you’re not alone.

There are a whole bunch of really brilliant people who feel the same way you do and are struggling with the same challenges.

Part of the problem, at least from where I stand, is that everyone has been approaching it all wrong.

We have all been told for way too long that…

  • You just have to find the right planner, project management software, or productivity app and you’ll be checking more things off your list in no time.
  • The kids’ schedules and activities are more important than our own self-care HEALTH.
  • If we work hard, we can play hard (But doesn’t playing hard often leave you just as exhausted as the working hard? I’m definitely an advocate for playing, but without the play-hard hangover every time I do so. I want ease and fun with my relaxation.).

If you are nodding your head then you have probably thought those same things and then wondered why they didn’t work, or worse, thought there was something wrong with YOU…. I mean it’s worked for other people right.

Well I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you.

You have been following along with what the world has told you to do for so long, and I felt that exact same way.

So what does that mean for us?

The answer is to turn it upside down and look at the world differently (that must be why I like cartwheels and handstands so much, they do just that🤸‍♀️).

And it's why I created the Solstice Celebration of Rhythms Full Moon Mini Nature Retreat (and you can grab it at $20 off through the end of today).

I wanted to help naturally caffeinated people who go 100 mph 100% of the time find calm, maintain confidence, and cultivate health, harmony and happiness even when life feels heavy.

If you read my email the other day, then you know that my biggest goal is to help you get results.

I have developed this retreat that helps you prioritize inner peace amidst the chaos of summer, and even if the only thing you did today was take a look at all the details and see if it might be just what you need, then that would be a wonderfully proactive step in the right direction.


You can get it right now for $47! That's $20 off the normal price, but it’s only available at this price until midnight tonight.

I hope this inspires you to make your own calm, confidence and ease in life a priority. I believe that if we begin to use the rhythms in and around us, then we can still get what we're called to do in life done… without feeling like we have to push through all the time.

Talk soon,


P.S. Since time is ticking on this offer, I included a countdown timer so you know just how much time you have left until the price goes up!

Count down to 2024-06-09T05:00:00.000Z

Hi, I'm Cathy! I help do-it-all women and workplaces reduce stress and cultivate health, harmony and happiness even when life feels heavy.

Each week I send out nudges to help you do this, and while doing so, invite you to listen to a new episode of the Health Harmony and Happiness with Cathy podcast. I'd love to have you join our community and learn to find your rhythms in life as well!

Read more from Hi, I'm Cathy! I help do-it-all women and workplaces reduce stress and cultivate health, harmony and happiness even when life feels heavy.

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