Melt Tension and Find Calm

I know, life has you running all over the place picking up and depositing kids, watching their practices or events, then finding yourself exhausted and feeling unfulfilled because in the race of the day it feels like you're only doing things for other people, even though you did get a quick workout in earlier in the day.

That workout was probably "great" and even made you feel invigorated and ready to go for the day.

But I'm wondering, Reader, if you paused at all in the day and connected with the place of calm inside you?

The place that notices all the thoughts running through your head.

Or that notices the sensation of needing to pee but instead chooses to hold it because there's other things that need to be done and "it can wait."

Or that notices the simple act of your breath.

Here's the thing, when you make time for yourself to calm your body and racing thoughts, you get to feel more connected to the inner guidance in you. It's the part that helps you make quick and easy decisions without getting worked up or feeling pressure, but instead that remains calm and relaxed on the inside.

You might not even know yet that that part of you exists.

But it does.

I help you learn to tap into it through yoga and breath work classes, both virtually and in-person each week.

Because when you learn to "Listen to Your Inner Guidance" (as is part of my F.L.O.W. process I use with clients), you stay centered and calm even when your schedule is full.

The pressure to be "Supermom" doesn't seem so great.

The tension in your body and mind softens.

You breathe slowly and easily.

Your body starts working the way you want it to instead of trying to fight against you with aches and pains.

When you're ready to stop being Supermom and you'd like to have a simple way to shift into the Super-Calm-Mom you've envied for years...

Then just reply and ask about my Weekly In-person and Virtual Classes. (They're even on sale right now for 10% off! Just use the code 10YEARS at checkout.)

This is the way I help my students cultivate Health HARMONY (aka calm, flow) and Happiness even when life tries to get in the way.

You absolutely deserve to make this part of you a priority.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead, hit reply😉!



P.S. When you reply back, I'll ask you a couple questions to see what classes might be a good fit, then if you're a good fit, will send you a direct link to sign up for that class(es). Easy peasy.

Hi, I'm Cathy! I help do-it-all women and workplaces reduce stress and cultivate health, harmony and happiness even when life feels heavy.

Each week I send out nudges to help you do this, and while doing so, invite you to listen to a new episode of the Health Harmony and Happiness with Cathy podcast. I'd love to have you join our community and learn to find your rhythms in life as well!

Read more from Hi, I'm Cathy! I help do-it-all women and workplaces reduce stress and cultivate health, harmony and happiness even when life feels heavy.

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