⏰Time Sensitive: From Resentment to Reconnection... My Marriage Story

Hey Reader,

I shared this recently on Facebook and thought it might benefit you as well. Come along with me on a journey as I share my story of growth in my marriage with you...

“He does his thing and I do mine; we share responsibility with taking care of the kids and making sure they get where they need to be, but we're pretty much just ships passing in the night. He doesn't even ask how my day was when he gets home; sometimes I wonder if we even have anything but our kids in common anymore.”

Does any of this sound familiar?

It's likely that's not what you're posting or seeing from others on social media.

Oh social media, you do so well at showing others the lovely parts of our lives that we want them to see, but what about the parts that don't get shown on social media? What's really going on behind those screens?

💥VULNERABILITY WARNING: I am going to share some hard truths I realized a couple years ago in my marriage and have since moved through. Not for sympathy but instead for comfort to those whom this may sound familiar to and hope that things can change. That you can indeed have the fulfilling marriage connection you thought you would have when you entered into your partnership.💥

A couple years ago, Matt and I were at our lowest in our marriage. I had moments of OK-ness, but underneath it all I was filled with resentment and disgust for the man I married. I honestly didn't know if I wanted to stay in our marriage or walk away. 🥺

This wasn't something that happened overnight…it had been growing for years.

He thought I was grumpy and nagging all the time, and I probably was, but really I felt disconnected and tired of carrying most of the mental load in our family.

You might be able to relate.

So I reached out to my friend, Deb.

I knew she had been in a similar situation in her marriage years before and was now on the other side with a fulfilling marriage.

I also knew Deb was on a similar soul journey as me, just a few years ahead of me.

I wanted advice as well as a sounding board from someone who would understand what I was experiencing without judgment.

And she did that.

She also invited me to consider doing some deeper healing work on myself to possibly see and experience my marriage in a different light.

And that's exactly what happened. ❤️We have been able to reconnect as a couple and begin to heal our marriage so it actually might be as amazing as what's portrayed on social media.

But first, the hard stuff.

It took Matt and me a whole lot of hurt and suffering to realize a change had to be made.

I felt completely unsafe emotionally in our marriage. I had turned so far inward that I was scared of sharing anything with my husband because of the response I might receive from him - uncaring, lacking empathy or connection. I even shielded the events of my day from him because I just didn't think he even cared anymore about me or would want to know.

We had grown apart.

This lack of emotional safety I felt naturally impacted my ability to even feel safe to be intimate, let alone actually enjoy it. So, any intimacy we did share felt like a "should."

Deb's program, The Whole Soul Way, helped change this.

It, and the other women in the program (many of whom were also in similar marriage situations), gave me the courage to realize that I actually really do love my husband and want to be on the same team as him.🥰

That I indeed did want my marriage to heal and continue to get stronger year after year, despite any challenge that comes our way.

Fortunately, with time (and nothing less than God’s grace), my husband recognized the need for change too and opened his soul to doing work to improve our marriage also.

He hasn't done the same work I have, but has been on his own soul's journey and we are learning together what it means to walk our spiritual growth paths in tandem.

I had often wished we could grow and heal through the Whole Soul Way together, but that just wasn't an option, until now…

✨️It's not the entire program, but Deb Blum is offering a free workshop called "The Cherished Partner: Shifting Dynamics When Mom Is Done Doing It All," and it’s designed to help you stop doing it all and start building a partnership that works.✨️

In the workshop, you’ll learn:

🥰How to stop over-functioning and empower your partner to step up

🥰Practical tools for reigniting intimacy and connecting on a deeper level

🥰Ways to communicate effectively without nagging

If you’re ready to shift from resentment to fulfillment, this is for you. Sign up here.

The things Deb will teach you in two short hours just might change your life forever, like they did mine.❤️

With love and a whole lot of truth,


P.S. It's absolutely best if you can attend live (I'll be there, learning still from Deb, and would love to be able to be on your cheering squad squad if it's right for you), but if you can't it will be recorded and you'll have access to it for a short time before it goes away.

So even if you can't attend, sign up. Then schedule it on your calendar right now when you'll go back and watch the replay.

Hi, I'm Cathy! I help do-it-all women and workplaces reduce stress and cultivate health, harmony and happiness even when life feels heavy.

Each week I send out nudges to help you do this, and while doing so, invite you to listen to a new episode of the Health Harmony and Happiness with Cathy podcast. I'd love to have you join our community and learn to find your rhythms in life as well!

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